No Longer a ‘Yes’ Woman

4 years ago maybe you would see me as a “Yes Woman”, because I rarely said no with everything even though that thing wasn’t good for me. My friends tend to bully me when I was in elementary school because I didn’t do anything when they asked me to do this and that. And one day when I was on my way back home, a boy passed me and touched one of my body parts, then like usual I didn’t say anything. It happened when I was in junior high school by the way, and I was still stupid.

But don’t worry, I’m not that person anymore. I can say ‘No’ against something I don’t like and have the courage to fight back. Life experiences and my best friend helped me to change.

Her name is Niken, my very best friend, but she’s different than other. My other best friends used to agree with everything I do. When I cry they will sad too, when I mad with something they will also hate that thing. But not with her. Sometimes when I cry, especially over a boy, she will laugh, and I will stop crying and asking, “why are you laughing? what are you laughing at? I’m crying now.” But then she replies my question logically, show me the fact why I shouldn’t cry, and make me laugh with those creepy tears.

Sometimes she could be very cruel and mean. She used to ask me to do anything she wanted, and I would did it. But not longer after we became best friends, I could say ‘No’ to her orders, and she felt guilty because she made me change to someone who’s not easily to say ‘Yes’ anymore. Hahahaha..

She always reminds me that world sometimes could be very cruel. I couldn’t be nice with everyone because not all people are nice. There always be black over white, not just white and grey. I shouldn’t be completely skeptic with anything good, but I should be more aware of bad things.

So, this is me now, my attitude is based on how you treat me. If you treat me good I’ll be a nice person to you. But if you treat me bad, then be careful of the result.

Buon fine settimana 🙂

4 thoughts on “No Longer a ‘Yes’ Woman

    • Pastinya lo berkontribusi banyak dong ul untuk merubah gw menjadi Nu-Nyanya.. tenang, cerita lo ada di tempat lain 🙂

  1. IMho be a nice people is a must, so I choose to punch people gracefully hehehehe *devil smirk*

    Be myself, and I will get true best friend..

    • yes, it is a must.. but for me, sometimes being nice is not really necessary for someone who’s not appreciate you. Just being someone who’s ‘so so’ i think is enough for them..

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